Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Amazing Friends - Amazing Opportunity - Amazing Jesus!

I had such a great weekend!  Danny goes camping twice a year with the guys so I usually plan something fun to do myself.  This year I invited my good friends Caitlin and Sara (and Sara's 8 month old, Henry) to come over for dinner and a play date on Friday night.  The kids played and my friends and I shared lots of stories and laughs.  It was so much fun!  I have such great friends.  Not to mention, they are great at giving compliments!  One of the best compliments they could have ever given me was that they wanted me to give them pointers on how to be a good housewife!  That really touched my heart!  I do take pride in my home, I keep it clean and organized, and I love it that my friends admire that.  They are the best.

Saturday was a lazy, pajama day.  It's not very often that my 7 month old and 2 year old take a nap at the same time.  I joined in and fell asleep on the couch with Joe.  It was so great.  I love to cuddle with him.  That afternoon my friend, Perla, brought over the product I ordered from her.  It's called SPARK, by Advocare, and I've been taking it since I had my son. I love it.  It gives me the natural energy that I need especially with being so busy with two little ones, working full time, and apparently being a great housewife ;)  Perla and I got to talking more about Advocare.  She was recently working at my sons daycare, she was his teacher, and she was able to quit that job and take on her Advocare business full time.  I've actually been looking for something like this.  Something that I could do that interest me.  I've had such great success with the healthy and fitness choices I've made, my body has transformed and I'm the healthiest I've ever been, and I've wanted to share my success story, help others, and invest in a product that I love.  I've been influenced by so many women through their blogs and Facebook that I wanted to pay it forward...this is why I wanted to start a blog.  I'm going to attend Ladies Alive this weekend so that I can learn everything I can about Advocare and really be able to inspire and help others with their fitness goals.  More to come on Advocare!

Sunday was yet an another amazing day.  Our church had a guest speaker, Scott Rigsby, a double amputee Ironman. His story was truly inspiring and really touched my heart.  Not only is he an Ironman, but how he came to have a relationship with Jesus Christ is what brought me to tears.  He touched me on a level that I had never experienced. In fact, as I went through the book signing line to buy his book and shake his hand, I was thinking about all the things I was going to say to him.  How he gave me such a spiritual high as well as my experience with doing an Olympic Triathlon when I was three months pregnant.  But when it was my turn in the line to chat with him, I was at a loss for words.  I was trembling all over and none of my words were coming out right.  I was so embarrassed!  The sweet man he is, came up from around the table and gave me a hug.  Ah!  I can't wait to read his book, Unthinkable.

Finally, Monday, Veteran's Day and another day packed full of God's goodness!  Of course, with my husband serving in the Marine Corps and myself in the Air Force, my kids will be instilled with those values that come with it and be taught how great our military is. So, for now, I play dress up.  Aren't they adorable?!?!

At my dentist appointment yesterday morning I shared my experience meeting Scott Rigsby.  Following that conversation, I also shared that I got to see Beth Moore in Dallas.  The event was Awaken an Evening with Priscilla Shirer, but due to unfortunate circumstances, Priscilla was not able to be there.  Much to our surprise, she sent Beth in her place and boy, the crowd went wild!  Come to find out, one of the gals (MendyKaye) that works at the dentist office was there too!  We immediately hugged...just because that's what sisters in Christ do!  We went on an on about how Beth touched us with her message about scars, then we shared about our love for Jesus and how good he is in our lives.  We continued to text each other throughout the day and MendyKaye sent me some great youtube videos with Beth Moore and Priscilla Shirer.  I listened to them off and on all day and just had such a great spiritual uplift listening to those messages.  I had told MendyKaye how it's so hard for me to find time to have my quiet time with Jesus and she reminded me that all I have to do sometimes is listen!  Listen in the car, listen while I'm cooking dinner.  She is so right.  I'm so glad Jesus brought her and I together yesterday.  Just another sign that he works in our lives in such amazing ways.  I've found a new sister and I love her already!

My husband finally got home last night and as tired as I was from taking care of the kids, the dogs, and well, from all the excitement, it was so good to talk to him and share it all.  The relationship I've developed with Jesus over this past year has really brought me so much joy.  I am so blessed with my wonderful husband, healthy kids, great friends, and amazing opportunities. God is SO Good!!!!

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